Brush-up on your Snapchat navigational skills with this online course

I stumbled across an article this weekend on Mashable talking about an online Snapchat course that was offered to help people and companies of all skill level develop or launch their SC profiles. Initially I was a little taken back by the idea, it seemed unnecessary at best when looking at it in terms of just any social network platform. My take on it changed as I began to think a little more about all the ways Snapchat has developed since coming out, and how it is now a very large source for news, advertising, and communication in general. I was intrigued, and after reading the article I could think of many people that might benefit from a course like this.

Many companies are beginning to venture into the realm of Snapchat as a platform to increase brand awareness amongst its biggest target markets, especially if that market is between the ages of 15-25, however so many don't have the fluency to exercise all the features SC offers. In the course offered by BlackBrick Training, the user will have a full 32 lesson plan about the ins-and-outs of the SC app. The lessons touch on how to do things like gain a following from scratch, measure growth, and build their fan base based on tips from successful brands currently utilizing the app. Many times the biggest hesitancy keeping businesses from trying new social media platforms is the lack of knowledge or expertise in using the platforms, but as such a growing channel it can give companies an edge if they even required marketing departments to take courses like this.

I see the potential in this offering not only because of the door it opens for brands, but also because of the age gap of users who are not on snapchat because they fall into that "technologically challenged" group , as my mom calls it. This would allow older populations to take the course and feel a little more in-tune with the times. The lifetime course is also extremely marked down currently, from $200 to only $12.

So as weird as the initial thought might be to offer a course like this, in today's age of social media it does open the door for the companies who are really trying to transform how they reach consumers, and it just helps the older folks feel better about knowing how to use technology for pleasure.
