Is Facebook Live Becoming Vastly Underrated?

So admit it, in the last year you have both had moments of loving and hating the new Facebook Live feature. I myself have utilized its perks when following things such as the 2016 Election or 2017 Eclipse. BUT don't get me wrong, when my mother's second cousin's wife, whom I added on Facebook strictly out of courtesy and to avoid the glares at once-a-year gatherings, is doing weekly Facebook Live videos of her authentic pearl dissection from clams to entice you to join some subscription... I.literally.just.can.not.get.with it.

So I constantly go back and forth on my opinion, but aside from the endless stay-at-home mom informercials we get bombarded with instead of our treasured goat videos and food recipes this Facebook Live feature has been pinpointed as pretty underutilized by businesses. I stumbled across an article listing out why this feature is ideal for brands to jump on, and it made total sense.
Facebook is the most popular social media platform today with over 2 billion users. As a platform it offers a multitude of ways for brands to communicate and establish a personal connection with their audiences, which is the motive of all social media when it boils down to it. Facebook Live deepens this connection in ways that an ad, a general post, or a commercial can't quite reach. FB Live is uncut, unfiltered, and can give a unique insider look to the everyday consumer. Any brand now has the capability to launch a widespread message at real-time to essentially anyone they wanted, so essentially it's the bomb for some good brand exposure and reach.

In the article 8 Reasons Why Brands Should Be Using Facebook by Georgia Hatton, Hatton outlines all of these along with other appealing aspects to send these brands running to utilize this feature. I must admit, after really looking at it I see endless potential for so many organizations- from philanthropic to entertainment, and everything in between. Hatton notes that FB Live is not only free and widespread but it comes with an analytics feature that reports the stats of each live post afterwards. The interaction of the viewers is vulnerable, non-bias, and an extremely raw indicator of customer opinion. This raw opinion can benefit others who seek accurate info on a brand AND the company behind the brand itself because they can respond directly and demonstrate that extraordinary customer service that so many consumers seek in todays age of social media. I truly am interested to see how this feature is utilized and how it develops.

So yes the cousins, uncles, and aunts using this FB Live platform to make a quick buck from the comfort of a mediocre iPhone 4S camera and some over priced catalog products no one really needs can and will make me close the browser, BUT I do have my eyes pealed and a new interest in seeing where this feature goes.

Will Facebook Live become the outlet brands turn to in the coming years or will it fall flat because of its under-recognized potential?


  1. Loved your post. Personally I think companies should use FB live for product releases and company activities. It's a great way to show consumers who that company really is.


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