How to be creative with the new Twitter 280 character limit

As I started reading up on all things new in the social media world I found an article listing off some ways to be unique in using the new Twitter feature which doubles the character limit to 280 characters. This was pretty cool to me for a of couple reasons: A) I deleted my Twitter in high school because I just felt it starting to plateau in its benefits, and overall I was trying to minimize the time I spent on my cellphone. B) When I did have a Twitter I was constantly having to figure out ways to condense down my posts to still make sense and not exceed the character limit. So really, truly this update was neat.

I got a good laugh out of the article on SocialMedia Today because the tactics they discussed really were creative. Among other things they noted, people can create obnoxiously long Tweets by spacing out letters and causing followers to have to scroll, and add more links or longer lists etc. I also saw there were tactics that could be utilized with the 140 character limit but strictly because of the new update so many people have been hoping for, are now bringing it to life. Brands such as the Pretty Little Liars Twitter account have actually made their tweets a pun at those not having the 280 character update yet (pictured below) with a cliff hanger of 140 characters. Also pictured, is a nother user doing a similar tactic.

I think by Twitter making this move in general, it gained a lot of trending commentary and utilization techniques from Twitter accounts. Naturally, some have brought politics into this update. A Tweet about Trump's Twitter rants is noted below.
I am interested to see specifically how brands will take advantage of this extra text allowance, in hopefully even more creative ways. I do think Twitter should keep it at this 280 character limit because it otherwise could turn into a platform no different then Facebook where rants are carried away etc. Twitter should just maintain its brief and to the point messages. I personally just would rather leave the ranting to other platforms and keep Twitter restricted to shorter posts. 
